Woman dies in Saturday motorcycle crash in Peru


Three people were injured, one of them fatally, in a pair of motorcycle accidents Saturday and Sunday in Peru. The fatality occurred following a crash at 1:52 p.m. Saturday on North 2551st Road at Slough Road, west

Oglesby home damaged by outdoor fireplace


An Oglesby residence sustained roof damage when an outdoor fireplace became fully engulfed early Monday, but there were no injuries to the residents or to firefighters from the responding companies. Oglesby Deputy Fire Chief Steve Maltas said

‘Sky is the limit’ for women in agriculture


Editor’s note: This story is part of the Cultivating Our Communities campaign, a collaboration by Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton, Illinois Farm Bureau and the Illinois Specialty Growers Association to showcase Illinois’ diverse farmers FarmWeek. Farming wasn’t Traci